Pink Ribbon Prognosis Logo

Pink Ribbon Prognosis

Pink Ribbon Prognosis

About Us

Pink Ribbon Prognosis

Pink Ribbon Prognosis is an organisation who are bringing awareness to the transgender community about breast cancer.

We aim to educate people on their risk factor for breast cancer and signpost to additional support and resources they may find useful.

Education is our main priority – we want everyone, regardless of gender to feel capable of performing a breast/chest check every month and to know the early warning signs of breast cancer.

We like to utilise the massive advances technology has made over the last few years allowing people to visualise the human form in a way that was previously impossible – this is perfect for people who are visual learners.

We provide an email reminder service to encourage people to check their breasts/chest every month – a key factor to spotting the early signs of breast cancer.

Stylised illustration of a group of people of various genders

A section to encourage awareness of the human torso


Interactive 3D models

This website utilises interactive 3D models to break down the barrier of the human form and highlight the torso/breast.

By default, these models are non-interactive with slight rotation to support the information they pertain to. We believe in giving power to our users, so if you would like to view the 3D models in all their glory and de-mystify the human form, you can enable Interactive controls. Alternatively, if you do not like the rotation of the models, and prefer a static feel to a website, then you can also disable the rotation.

Keep an eye on these User Controls in the near future, more features will be added to enhance the functionality that the User has at their disposal. We want to bring light to this topic using Modern Technology and Science!

Click to enable/disable:

Human Form viewed by 3D Technology

Breast cancer is when cells in your breast change and grow in an abnormal way, and sometimes can create tumours. In Ireland alone, roughly 3,600 women and 40 men are diagnosed with it each year. But what about Transgender people? Transgender people undergo lengthy processes to become who they want to be, and although rates of Breast cancer in Transgender people are lower than the general Cisgender population, they are still at risk.

Utilising Digital to view the Human Trunk

Research done in the past few years has identified that Transgender people who undergo hormone treatment have an increased risk of Breast cancer. These studies found that Transgender Women were around 47 times more likely to develop Breast cancer than Cisgender Men. These studies also demonstrated that Transgender Men had a far reduced risk of Breast cancer than Cisgender Women, although it is still not completely understood why.

A section to sign up for monthly reminders to check for signs of cancer


Sign up to recieve monthly check up reminders. The Transgender Community and Allies can use this automated service below to assist in getting regular reminders and schedules to do self-checks. Using our technical expertise and research into Breast Cancer in the Transgender Community and Allies, we hope to bridge the gap on this topic by going digital.

Contact Us

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